Donate FAQ


What does the Bible say about giving?  
  • Give without show - “Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”  (Matthew 6:3)
  • Give regularly and in proportion- “Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay in store, as God has prospered you.”  (II Corinthians 9:6)
  • Give liberally - “They who sow sparingly will also reap sparingly, and they who sow bountifully will also reap bountifully.”  (II Corinthians 9:6)
  • Give cheerfully - “Let everyone give as their heart tells them, neither grudgingly, not under compulsion, for God loves the one who gives cheerfully.”  (II Corinthians 9:7)
Is Stewardship Just About Money?  

We practice “Whole Life Stewardship” at Agape’ MCC.  That means that we commit our time, our talents, and our treasure to show our love of God and our Church.

Where Does The Church Get The Money Needed To Function?  

At Agape' MCC, we say that our mission is to be a sacred space for spiritual growth, diversity, and social justice.  In order for us to fulfill this mission, we must meet our church’s financial responsibilities through the operating budget.

How Much Should I Give?  

There is no mandatory minimum or maximum amount.  Your giving will reflect your love for God and the Church and will express your commitment to insure and promote the future of our church.

We also ask that you think of the needs of our Church and the limited means available to meet its obligations.  One source of church financial guidelines suggests that it costs a church, on average, $2 per day per member to maintain its programs.

How May I Contribute Financially?  

You may mail contributions to the Agape' MCC.  Some have contacted their banking institutions and set up a regular payment to Agape' MCC sent from their banks.  We also offer an on-line donation option on this website with which you may contribute by credit or debit card.

What Does My Gift Cover?  

Our financial contributions support membership, sacraments and worship services, contributions to our denomination for world wide ministry, all internet and printed church publications, and personnel expenses for compensated staff.

Are Addition Donations Asked for Baptisms and Weddings/Commitment Ceremonies?  

Not for members of Agape' MCC.    When a member seeks these services, no additional donations are required.  If someone who is not a supporting member asks for one of these services,  fees for services are required.